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Monday, January 28, 2008

Christmas 2007

We went to visit Santa on Saturday night December 23rd - nothing like waiting until the last minute. But as you can see in the pictures below he was good to Anna and TJ despite the disbelief of one. Tate on the other hand will need to work harder at being good this year or maybe put his shotgun request in earlier.

Christmas morning.
TJ tried to open a couple of presents but he did not really understand the concept so he let Anna open them for him. Anna was only interested in opening her gifts. I did manage to surprise her with one or two gifts this year. It seems harder and harder to keep her gifts a secret.

Christmas Breakfast
TJ had grits for the 1st time this morning. He did not understand what all the hype was about. He seemed to like them, but has not wanted to eat them since.
Opening all of the gifts this morning must have really tired them out. Or is Anna trying to make sure she is the favorite.
Christmas dinner at Grandma's. TJ is still in a good mood after being on the go all day.
He sure does look like Uncle Joe in this picture.

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