Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker

Thursday, August 21, 2008

1st Haircut

TJ had his 1st haricut on July 14, 2008. He now looks like a little man.
He is trying to pick out just the right kind of shampoo for his new look.


TJ is a rough sleeper, he is all over the crib and even likes to hang his feet out every once in a while. But as you can see he does not go to bed without his blanket.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Summer Fun

Anna and GDennis spent almost every weekend at a softball tournament. Anna had the best time playing ball, spending the night at different hotels and most importantly not being at home. Thanks Dad for bearing the heat and taking Anna every weekend. She had a BLAST.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Riley's 1st Birthday

Well the event of the year happened on Friday, June 13th. We do not have many pictures of the big event, but we have many great memories. I spent countless hours trying to make sure this event went off without any problems, but that just did not happen. As you can see in the pictures, Riley was not excited about having so many people over at his house. He did not even care for his cake. He tried to put out the candle on the his cake with his fingers and it all went down hill from there.

Anna trying to be the coolest kid at the party.

Black Eye Babies

Both of my sweet babies got a black eye within a weeks time. Anna got her 1st black eye on May 25th. She was in Hartsville at a ball tournament. They were warming up and the Coach Bill hit her a pop up and as she was going back to catch it she ran into the other girls and missed the ball. Riley got his first black on May 31st at Grandma's house. He was trying to climb up the stairs and fell. I have a feeling this will not be his last black eye.